Monday, January 12, 2009

Legacies 2009 Writing Contest

Call for manuscripts! Here are the contest details:

The Carnegie Center’s Annual Legacies reading for writers over 55 will take place on Tuesday, March 10th at 6:30 p.m. Awards will be offered to the best entries submitted: poems, stories, essays, or memoirs drawn from the writer’s personal history. The cash prize is $100 for first place and $50 for second. In addition, the Legacies Reading awards the Legacies Medallion, donated in memory of Carole Pettit. Entries judged by a qualified panel.

Writers should submit manuscripts up to 1500 Words (about five, typed, double-spaced pages, which may include up to five Poems). There is a $10 reading fee per five-page entry, payable to the Carnegie Center.

Entries should include Name, address, e-mail address, phone number, and date of birth on a cover page, but not on the entry itself. Deadline for submitting an entry is Saturday, February 7th. Entries must be postmarked or received by that date.

Best of luck!


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