Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Young Women Writers Project
Egan Colbert
Olivia Corbin
Kayla Craig
Katherine Depenbrock
Jessica Fortenberry
Claire Johnson
Julia K. Mead
Julie Niklas
Camille Palladino
Daylyn Randolph
Jamie Ritchie
Nikki Roop
Sydney Slade
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Carnegie Center Receives National Recognition
Awarded $10,000 for exceptional art space and programming
Lexington, Kentucky- Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC) and MetLife Foundation announced the six winners of the nationwide, competitive 2009 MetLife Innovative Space Awards. The Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning was awarded $10,000 in recognition of itsrobust programming for professional writers and commitment to fostering improved literacy levels in its local community, recognizing the impact that art can have on basic life skills. The awards recognize outstanding efforts in the design and development of affordable space for artists, which is an integral part of LINC's Space for Change: Building Communities Through Innovative Art Spaces program. These spaces provide a stable foundation from which artists may pursue their works and shape the neighborhoods they inhabit. The winners were selected from more than 90 organizations in 29 states.
Left vacated for nearly a year after the Lexington Public Library moved locations, the historic Carnegie library building was restored to public use with the idea of the Carnegie Center. Serving as the home of Lexington's Public Library since 1906, the building now continues on as a community learning and arts center. Since its inception, the Carnegie Center has become an established haven for writers, as well as a welcoming place that addresses the needs of Lexington's diverse community. From ESL courses for recent immigrants, to advanced workshops for established writers, the Carnegie Center exhibits a range of offerings for creative individuals at any stage of education. The building is also home to learning and arts organizations, aspiring and professional authors, writing/book discussion groups and the site for other non-Carnegie events, including the Kentucky Women Writers Conference. In addition to offering a gallery and performing arts events, the center's emphasis on writing and promoting books by regional authors has made it the state's literary hub.
"We are pleased to recognize The Carnegie Center for its extraordinary work to create innovative, affordable, and sustainable artist space that positively impacts its community," said Dennis White, president and CEO, MetLife Foundation. "The Carnegie Centerand the other winning programs serve as models for communities interested in creating and benefiting from sustainable art spaces."
"The Carnegie Center exemplifies how the development of affordable living and working spaces for artists can play a powerful role not only in the lives and careers of those artists, but in the communities where these spaces are located. The Carnegie Center is an outstanding example of excellent programming, socially progressive real estate development, and the ability to provide creative and economic sustenance in a community," said Judilee Reed, executive director, LINC.
Four other winning organizations each received a $10,000 award:
City of Asylum/Pittsburgh, Pa. provides outstanding levels of service to artists in exile through a residency program with a full range of support services for the personal and professional recovery of artists and their families.
Open Book 2.0 in Minneapolis, Minn. exemplifies collaboration among local non-profits. Three independent organizations, The Loft Literary Center, Milkweed Editions, and Minnesota Center for Book Arts pooled resources to form a vibrant literary arts center.
Soo Theatre and STARS in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. jumpstarted the economic and cultural revitalization of its area by bringing arts education and programming to the region. Soo Theatre is now a cultural asset that allows the local hospital and university to attract and retain talent.
Watts House Project in Los Angeles, Calif. meshes artists' skills with local needs to improve households, creating a bond between artist and neighbor by integrating sustainable building and landscaping into everyday life.
The grand prize winning organization, The International Sonoran Desert Alliance (ISDA), received $50,000 in recognition of its development of the Curley School, an exceptional, community-engaged artist space anchoring an arts-based revitalization movement in the border town of Ajo, Ariz. and neighboring Tohono O'odham Nation and Sonora, Mexico.
"Artist spaces should be fundamental to well-planned communities. We hope a broader set of stakeholders, including policymakers, planners and other civic leaders, will embrace arts and culture as significant components of effective development strategies," said Susan Silberberg-Robinson, associate project director, MetLife Innovative Space Awards and lecturer in Urban Design and Planning, MIT.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Parlez-vous francais?
It will be meeting on Mondays from 10:30-noon, beginning January 25th.
Call today for more details (859.254.4175)!
Monday, January 11, 2010
One Community...One Dream
After the downtown MLK march or your other morning activities, head to the
Carnegie Center to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Join us for lunch
and a series of interactive family workshops including art, music, dance, a group
service project, and a showing of Dr. King’s inspirational speeches. This event is FREE
and open to the public. No registration necessary.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Carnegie Center is Open
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Carnegie Center is Open
No tutoring today, since Fayette County schools are closed.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Family Fun Night

Planning Night
Tuesday, January 12
5:30-7:30 pm
FREE event, dinner will be served
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Carnegie Center Class

January 30-March 6
10:30 am-noon
COST: only $60
Want to find, flex, and strengthen your voice as a writer? This workshop is
designed to help you do so. Through a series of discussions, exercises, and
prompts, we’ll explore the ways in which one can make a poem, delving into
different aspects of form and content so that you can find the best notes for
your own voice as a poet. Bring a blank notebook and a sense of adventure.
Register now by calling for emailing! (859.254.4175 or
Monday, January 4, 2010
New Year
Reminder that classes begin next week. Want to learn french? Attend a Writer's retreat? Come to Family Fun and Learning Night? Call today to get registered (859.254.4175).
A complete list of classes can be found here.

Happy 2010!
Hope to see you soon!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Holiday Building Hours
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Application Deadline Extended: January 15
The Carnegie Center is calling on young women in grades 9-12 to apply to the Young Women Writers Program, a FREE series of intensive workshops focused on self-expression through writing. Applications are due no later than Friday, January 15, 2010. Selection will be limited to 15 participants.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Calling All Instructors
Here’s your chance to lead & inspire
middle school students as they explore the world…
Potential camp topics include:
Movie Making/Screenwriting • Sports Medicine/Nutrition • Technology
Performance Poetry • Experiential Creative Writing • Science Writing
Song Writing • Architecture & Design • Photography • Art Creation & Critique
Law & Justice • Travel Writing • Film Critique • Community Gardening
Computer Programming • Graphic Novel/Comic Creation • Graphic Design
July 12-16 8:30am-12:30pm and 1:00-5:00pm
July 19-23 8:30am-12:30pm and 1:00-5:00pm
July 26-30 8:30am-12:30pm and 1:00-5:00pm
- Each instructor teaches a one-week, half-day session
- Camp topics and activities geared towards rising 6th - 8th grade students. Campers should have fun while being exposed to potential careers. Day trips encouraged!
- Competitive stipend: $25 per hour of instruction time
- Experience instructing middle school students required
- Topics listed above are suggestions – feel free to propose your own ideas!
Submit email resume & paragraph describing your camp topic to:
Laura Whitaker, Program Specialist (859) 254-4175
251 West Second Street, Lexington, KY, 40507
Monday, December 7, 2009
Young Women Writers Project
It's the final week for applications to the Young Women Writers Project.
More information here.
Download your application here.
All applications must be received or postmarked by Friday, December 11. The Carnegie Center will be open from 9-5 pm that day.
Please let us know if you need further information. You can send me an email at

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Celebrate Culture Night

Stay tuned for information about future Family Fun and Learning Nights!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Winter Classes

Schedules should be arriving in mailboxes next week.
We can't wait for you to see some of the exciting offerings this season. Here are a few new class highlights:
Divining the Self through Words and Movement
Mondays, February 1-March 15 (no class February 15)
5:30-6:30 pm
Lori-Lyn Hurley
This workshop incorporates basic yoga postures and stretching with journaling prompts designed to help us achieve clarity around issues of self- image and the stories we tell ourselves about our lives. Through movement, we achieve body awareness that allows us to delve deeper into self awareness.
Feeling as a Foreign Language: Finding Your Poetic Voice
Saturdays, January 30-March 6
10:30 am-noon
Emma Bolden
Want to find, flex, and strengthen your voice as a writer? This workshop is designed to help you do so. Through a series of discussions, exercises, and prompts, we’ll explore the ways in which one can make a poem, delving into different aspects of form and content so that you can find the best notes for your own voice as a poet. Bring a blank notebook and a sense of adventure.
Everything You Need to Know About Getting an Agent
Saturday, March 20
10:00 am-noon
Chuck Sambuchino
In this seminar, Writers Digest Editor Chuck Sambuchino will address all things literary agent, and show writers how to snag a rep without fear of being scammed. We’ll discuss book proposals, novel synopses, query letters, pitching, how to find an agent, and everything else. Questions welcomed and encouraged!
Many more exciting offerings this season. Get registered today! 859.254.4175.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Doing a little Christmas shopping?

Remember, it is also the last day to make a bid on the UK tickets being auctioned. Check here for more details.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Great Game, Great Seats, Great Cause!

Kelly Flood and Neil Chethik have donated to the Carnegie Center two tickets for the UK-Louisville basketball game on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2010, at 3:30 p.m. This will be the first meeting of head coaches John Calipari and Rick Pitino since Calipari took over at UK. The seats are in the Lower Level of Rupp Arena, about a dozen rows from the floor (Section 11, Row J).